Monday, June 15, 2009

Dude! You’re getting some ROI!

According to a post on Mashable, Dell recently determined that their efforts on Twitter have generated $2 million in sales. This proves two things:

1. The impact of social media can be measured.
2. Social media can generate sales.

Now, here’s the catch: In order to calculate the ROI of your marketing efforts, you first have to create unique messages and channels (landing pages, Twitter handles, etc.), so you can pinpoint where your leads/sales come from. Dell had to know, for example, that these sales were at least primarily influenced by their Twitter presence and not other media exposures. You also have to measure—a step that a lot of markers miss. It’s harder than just throwing stuff against the wall and seeing what sticks, but it’s worth the extra effort (and, depending on the stuff you’re throwing, it’s a lot less messy).

Social media doesn’t make marketing any easier, but it can help make the results a little better. If anyone doubts that, tell them about the two million reasons why Dell now believes it’s true.

--Anthony J.

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