Tuesday, May 19, 2009

What the Trend

Twitter is a handy little megaphone for announcing brief company news, ongoing developments, promotions or the fact that you just finished a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

But it can also be a hot mess of nonsensical tweets. A recent article in Advertising Age about the proliferation of inane and obscure references made me feel less alone in my frustration.

Fortunately, Matt Mayer came along with his blessed twin gifts for technology and communication. He’s developed What the Trend, a website that offers a fast peek at what has the Twitter world chirping. It’s updated Wiki-style, with Twitter users giving flesh to the references. Matt makes sure it remains operational, and the general public makes sure it remains useful.

Wanna know why everyone’s buzzing about #batt? What the Trend can tell you. You can be just as cool and in-the-know as your friends who have nothing better to do than mess around on Twitter all day.

From a business perspective, it’s great insight into what captures the collective online imagination, what’s getting attention and where you might join in the conversation. Especially if peanut butter and jelly starts trending.

--Julianne W.

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